Note: The downloaded images are only for your personal purpose, non-commercial use.
¤¤¤ Start Google Satellite Maps Downloader by Start Menu||All Programs||Google Satellite Maps Downloader
¤¤¤ Define your project properties:
- Project Name
- Left Longitude
- Top Latitude
- Right Longitude
- Bottom Latitude
- Zoom
- Threads count
- Path to save
¤¤¤ There are 4 parameters (Left Longitude, Right Longitude, Top Latitude, Bottom Latitude) to define the area scope of images that you want to download. Thus, I recommend you to define your Area of Interest (AoI) in ArcMap:
¤¤¤ To get Lef-Top and Right-Bottom coordinate (in degrees), you should use Indentify Tool.
¤¤¤ Complete all parameters needed...
¤¤¤ Hit Download button to download. Wait for some minutes to see it finished.
How to view downloaded satellite images?
You can view downloaded maps without combining them into one big BMP.
We provide a tool to viewer the images, you can run it from menu "Tools"->"Satellite Images Viewer".
Then open a project from menu "File"->"Open project..." to view the map.
After downloading, all small images are saved on your disk. Then you can combine them into one big image map. You can run it from menu "Tools"->"Combine images... ".
Now, you get the imagery from Google Earth for the place where you need. I think you should georeference your block image which you just combine. Then you can work with it in ArcMap or any application software.
If you need a quick to georeference your imagery in ArcMap, you would contact me...